Wednesday, June 4, 2008

questions that matter

(Originally written April 10, 2008)

We were watching American Idol Gives Back last night. It was moving…. It caused me great sadness to see the depravation in other parts of our world, to realize afresh my own selfishness and concern over my STUFF. Stuff that does not matter. Like a laundry room door that always gets in my way…… or a bathroom that I think is too small…… or, or, or. I am ashamed.

One of the places visited was Uganda, where the statistics for the number of children who die from malaria is astounding. At that point in the show, 10-yr old looked over at Dad, and asked the compelling question: “Why them and not us?” His eyes, his expression, told the story of what his heart was trying to grasp. I think I will never forget the earnestness with which he laid that big question before us.

“Why them and not us?”

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